Monday, October 20, 2008

Palin's Health Mystery

It seemed a bit mysterious why Governor Palin's health records were such a secret, and only released on the eve of the election.

She was adamantly determined to keep those personal health records from advanced public scrutiny, most unusual stance for a candidate for such high office. What on earth was the lady hiding so grimly?

Could it be that, since the date of her first delivery is known and also the date of her marriage, being a public record, is also known . . . that her health records would reveal this first birth was not premature, but full term, and that it strongly indicated the conception occurred before her marriage?

And that is exactly what the medical record showed, that the birth of her first child was full "term," which means 9 months, plus or minus 2 weeks. Yet the lady gave birth only 8 months after her elopement marriage. Such marriages are often rushed, for pregnancy reasons, and that seems to have been the case here.

This certainly would have been damaging in the election for one who professes such fundamentalist views and such personal virtue as the Alaska governor. She, after all, has been an ardent promoter of premarital chastity and abstinence, and an equally ardent opponent of sex education.

Seems to make her a total hypocrite, no?

Dr. A. N. Feldzamen
3 Arrowood Lane
Ithaca, New York 14850-9793